Midwest Bible Camp

Lake Darling Youth Center near Brighton, Iowa
Our primary objective at Midwest Bible Camp is to build Christian character in the young people we serve. We provide an atmosphere that promotes spiritual principles and encourages spiritual growth in both the various daily activities and the times of meaningful devotion and Bible study. Our sessions are held at the beautiful Lake Darling Youth Center just west of Brighton, IA. We would love the opportunity to share with your child the amazing things God can do in a week of camp.
At camp, we take advantage of the lack of distractions (hectic schedules, technology and media) to make time to dive into God’s word. You can look forward to daily chapel, Bible classes, singing and prayer time, cabin devotionals and what is often the highlight of everyone’s week, our evening campfire devotions. Fellowship with Christian teachers, counselors, and other campers provides encouragement and lasting relationships. Some of our times of worship, study and devotion are geared toward deep introspection and serious thought and some will inevitably put a smile on your face, but in all of it we seek to glorify God and grow closer to Him. Each session is different, but in all of them God is the focus.
While we take time to slow down and direct our hearts and minds toward God in our spiritual activities, we believe He is no less a part of the other activities we enjoy throughout the week. We have a great time with games, sports, crafts, talent shows, and an assortment of crazy and goofy activities. In all of them, we encourage having great fun and displaying Christ like attitudes.
Come and take part in this amazing experience and see why our campers look forward to MWBC all year long.
At camp, we take advantage of the lack of distractions (hectic schedules, technology and media) to make time to dive into God’s word. You can look forward to daily chapel, Bible classes, singing and prayer time, cabin devotionals and what is often the highlight of everyone’s week, our evening campfire devotions. Fellowship with Christian teachers, counselors, and other campers provides encouragement and lasting relationships. Some of our times of worship, study and devotion are geared toward deep introspection and serious thought and some will inevitably put a smile on your face, but in all of it we seek to glorify God and grow closer to Him. Each session is different, but in all of them God is the focus.
While we take time to slow down and direct our hearts and minds toward God in our spiritual activities, we believe He is no less a part of the other activities we enjoy throughout the week. We have a great time with games, sports, crafts, talent shows, and an assortment of crazy and goofy activities. In all of them, we encourage having great fun and displaying Christ like attitudes.
Come and take part in this amazing experience and see why our campers look forward to MWBC all year long.