MWBC's 2024 Fundraising Needs
With the start of the new year comes the need to look ahead toward financing the 2024 camping season. The board considers several factors when determining how to meet the financial needs for operating camp this summer:
*MWBC 2023 operated in the red by approximately $20,000. *Food costs rose 10%. *General donations were down about $15,000, but campership donations were up about $10,000. *More families financially struggled during 2023, resulting in $6,305 camperships used compared to $4,460 the previous year. *LDYC plans to raise the overnight fee, which we pay for every camper and staff person, from $10 to $12 per night. They will raise this rate by $2 every summer for the next 5 years in order to meet their operating costs, effectively doubling our costs by 2028. *In practical terms, the increase in LDYC’s rates will increase our rental fee by approximately $6,000 in 2024, and an additional $6,000 each year for the following 4 years. To meet all of our financial needs this year, the board has determined the following: *MWBC 2024 camper fee will need to be raised from $170 to $200 per week. *Donor funding will need to hit the $15,000 mark in order to cover all of our operating expenses as well as campership requests. Note that MWBC’s camper fee is never set at a rate that covers all of our costs. We do this to keep camp affordable. We meet our financial obligations every year through donations. |
Since MWBC is a non-profit, donor-funded operation, we continually rely on all of our wonderful supporters to financially support this ministry. We encourage each church and family and individual to find a way to financially support MWBC’s 2024 camping season. Here are several ideas:
What Can Congregations Do? *Designate a “MWBC Sunday” and hold a special collection for the ministry of Midwest Bible Camp. *Organize a fundraiser such as a car wash, raffle, fundraising dinner, bake sale, garage sale, etc. *Make financial support for MWBC an ongoing yearly budget item. *Decide as a congregation to pay all or part of the camper fees for the children in your church family. *Make an individual contribution to MWBC. *Donate food items, sports equipment, kitchen equipment, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We are confident that we can count on your wonderful and generous support to continue to provide food, accommodations, camperships, and quality activities for all MWBC campers. Thank you for being part of the MWBC Team! This year’s goal is to raise $15,000 *Donate by sending your donation to: MWBC Treasurer 1201 N. 5th Street Clear Lake, IA 50428 |
Remember: Your investment pays dividends now and in the future!